5 new Coronavirus cases in Kenya now 184 – Health CS Mutahi Kagwe

In the last 24 hours, we have tested a total of 308 samples, out of which 5 people have tested positive for the Coronavirus disease, 3 are Kenyans while 2 are foreign nationals. Three of them had traveled; one each from Tanzania, UK and UAE.
Three of the cases are in Nairobi and two in Mombasa county. Only one of these cases emanated from our mandatory quarantine facilities, while four were picked by our surveillance teams.
The ages of the 5 new cases range between age 39 and 77 years. Three are males and two females. This now brings the total number of those who have tested positive for the disease in the country to 184.
The five people have already been moved into isolation in various health facilities and contact tracing is ongoing.
In terms of age breakdown, of the 184 cases, 3 are below 15 years of age, 49 are 15-29 years of age, 119 cases 30-59 years while those above 60 are 13. From gender perspective, 107 cases are males and 77 females.
We are saddened to announce that we lost one patient in Mombasa. This now brings the total number of deaths to seven (7).
We send our condolences to the family.
With regard to contact tracing, a total of 2,046 persons have been monitored. Out of those, 1,448 have been discharged and 598 are currently on follow up.
We are pleased to announce that
12 persons have been discharged after full recovery.
We have closed some quarantine facilities such as trademark hotels. We urge Kenyans to receive those who have been released without discrimination. We are in this together.
☑️ Kenyans who may require to come to Nairobi for specialized treatment like Chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc, will be provided with letters to allow them to travel in order to access services.
We will not hesitate to introduce even stiffer measures in the best interest of the country. We’re encouraging all compliant operators to compel their colleagues to observe the already set measures, in order to protect their businesses and the country; CS Mutahi.
Stay at home during this Easter holiday. Let us not party but observe the rules to combat the Coronavirus.
Boda Boda operators who are floating the rules to ferry people across restricted areas will be dealt with. We are also monitoring the quality of masks to ensure proper hygiene is observed.
Our salonists, Mama Mboga’s, Jua Kali operators and others, our economy depends on you. We seek your cooperation, so that we do not have to take extreme measures to achieve compliance.
We have to hail the efforts of Kitui County Textile Center for their resilience. They can now produce 30k masks a day. This is the KENYA we want, a resilient and innovative Kenya. Our brothers and sisters proving that we can produce a solution from within our borders.
“I want to thank Kenyans for embracing our messages and for becoming true allies against this virus.
We are witnessing our people washing their hands more often, maintaining the social distancing requirements in public spaces, staying at home…”CS Mutahi
We should be vigilant and sustain the measures in place until the curve is flattened. Let’s not take steps downwards; CS Mutahi
COVID-19 Media briefing by CS Health Mutahi Kagwe. Each of us should take responsibility for each other by obeying the measures in place.
“This being an Easter weekend, I want to make a special plea to all Kenyans to strictly stay at home, and to continue observing all the other measures we have put in place,” CS Health Mutahi Kagwe.
Do not host parties, and make the usual Easter visits. Stay at home! Have a reflective & blessed Easter.
Wash your hands before you put on your mask ?. Discard it properly after 12 hours; Dr. Patrick Amoth, Ag. DG health services.