No new Coronavirus case – Health CS Mutahi Kagwe
There is no NEW Coronavirus (Covid-19) case in Kenya – Health CS Mutahi Kagwe
7 Patients who have tested positive for the Virus are still undergoing treatment & are stable.
We continue to their progress, as well as the individuals that come into contact with them – Health CS Mutahi Kagwe
✅Ministry of Health following a case in Kilifi with test result expected at 7:00am Saturday 21st March 2020.
Following successful contact tracing
✅We are now monitoring an additional 7? people.
✅44 contacts released , following expiry of the 14 days follow up period
✅4 more suspected cases admitted @KNH_hospital Mbagathi Isolation unit
✅One case tested negative for #COVID19 and is being processed for discharge.
✅The remaining 3 are awaiting lab????results
✅We are also following a case in Kilifi County.
The results of these tests will be clear by tomorrow 7.00 O’clock.
Four more suspected cases have been admitted at Mbagathi Isolation unit since my last update. One case tested negative for COVID-19 and is being processed for discharge.
Four more suspected cases have been admitted at Mbagathi Isolation Hospital. One case tested negative, CS Mutahi Kagwe.
Our actions continue to be guided by the trends that we have observed in the world.
Evidence from other countries indicate that the number of infected persons increases dramatically in the second week following confirmation of a first case.
✅The next TWO weeks are extremely critical for this country, as we seek to contain the outbreak.
✅We remain focused on emphasizing high levels of hygiene & the maintenance of social distances as the most effective containment measures.
Every person must play their part in reducing the risk of transmission through a whole of government, and whole of society approach.
If there is a moment in our country’s history where we need to embrace the Harambee Spirit – it is today and it is NOW
✅ Emphasis on hygiene & social distancing.
✅ Government pleads with citizens to stay at home.
Following measures in place:
✔️ All bars & nightclubs to close by 7:30pm every day effective Monday 23rd of March, 2020. During opening hours, premises to define maximum occupancy keeping to 1.5 meters apart. Places of food can continue as normal but keep social distances.
✔️Supermarkets to limit consumers inside premise to the 1.5 meters distance between shoppers. Queue Management system must me provided with preference to elderly, expectant mothers, PWD’s & encourage home delivery. All supermarkets & shopping areas to disinfect several times a day.
✔️ Where feasible, supermarkets encouraged to open 24 hours & Government to provide extra security upon request.J
✔️Open air markets are high risk environments & directed to disinfect regularly, especially vegetable markets to have raised display platforms & daily garbage collection.
✔️ County Govt’s to prioritise garbage collection & sanitation in all market areas.
✔️Markets to remain open but directive on social distancing & sanitation to be followed.
✔️ Employers to ensure social distancing if still at work & encourage staff to go on leave.
✔️Factories to use minimum workforce but continue on 24 Hours basis following the social distancing requirements & Gov’t to provide security upon request.
✔️14 Seater PSV’s to carry 8 passengers MAXIMUM, 25 Seaters 15 passengers MAXIMUM, 30 Seaters 60% occupancy MAXIMUM, same applies for SGR & Commuter Rail services.
✔️ALL arriving passengers MUST self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival failure to that they will face prosecution.
✔Public & private hospitals to restrict patient visitation to family & relatives of patients.
Handwashing with soap and running water, social distancing, most effective way to #KomeshaCorona In Kenya . Observe the preventive Advice and keep safe, CS Health Mutahi Kagwe.
The Ministry of Health is encouraging individuals to be disciplined and continue to quarantine themselves to #KomeshaCorona ??
Employers asked to ensure their employees observe social distance in the work environments.
Gikomba market will be fully fumigated tomorrow, Saturday, 21 March 2020. Open air markets are high risk transmission areas and public should try and stay away.
Entertainment centers asked to close by 7:30pm. Supermarkets to manage the crowds outside their premise, with the elderly being given priority. Malls asked to sanitise surfaces several times a day.