571 more cases, 438 recoveries and 3 succumb to Covid-19 in Kenya

Today 571 people have tested positive for the virus, from a sample size of 3,963 tested in the last 24 hours. This brings to 45,647 the number of confirmed positive cases in the country. Our cumulative tests are now 627,781.
From the cases, 558 are Kenyans and 13 are foreigners. 361 are males and 210 females. The youngest is a one-year old child while the oldest is 90 years.
Distribution of the cases by Counties is as follows; Uasin Gishu 116, Nairobi 116, Mombasa 74, Kiambu 50, Laikipia 43, Kericho 41, Kisumu 23, Nakuru 21, Busia 16, Trans Nzoia 10, Kajiado 9, Nandi 8, Murang’a 5, Kilifi 5, Kirinyaga 5, West Pokot 4, Kakamega 4, Isiolo 3, Siaya 3, Elgeyo Marakwet 2, Kisii 2, Embu 2, Vihiga 2, Bungoma 2, Kwale 1, Nyeri 1, Samburu 1, Machakos 1 and Turkana 1.
438 people have recovered from the disease, 373 from the Home-Based Care Program, while 65 have been discharged from various hospitals. Total recoveries now stand at 32,522.
Unfortunately, 3 patients have succumbed to the disease bringing the fatality to 842. Our sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who have lost their loved ones.
Today, we have 43 patients in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Those on supplementary oxygen are 41 while a total of 1,059 are currently admitted in various health facilities. Meanwhile, 2,562 are on Home Based Isolation and Care.