Kenyans share what they would like to ask or tell Dr. Miguna Miguna

Miguna Miguna has been trending for the better part of Sunday evening February 9th leading to February 10th 2020.

Dr. Miguna Miguna the man with same name twice is a Pan African revolutionary intellectual and a lawyer who fights for injustice using words, facts and the truth. asked netizens what they would like to ask or tell Dr. Miguna Miguna.

This are the Kenyans responses as seen by .

George Misoti expressed how he misses him and that Miguna should come back to the country.
Chris wondered if Miguna Miguna had read all those books on the photo behind him.
Some like Kadija begged Dr Miguna to unblock him.
Robert Matundura wondered when Dr. Miguna would be back to Kenya.
Ondara loved what Dr. Miguna does and asked him to keep winning.
Lisa Biwott said that Dr. Miguna is her role model and that when she grows up she would want to be like him.
Sharkette wondered when was the last time Dr. Miguna cried and what it was about.
Yoweri wondered what was below Dr. Miguna Miguna’s cap.
PI Mari wanted Dr. Miguna back home to view the late Mzee Moi’s body.

The discussion continues what would you like to tell or ask Dr Miguna Miguna if you met him.

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